Patriot Multi-Trip Travel Medical Insurance

Quotes & Purchase: Individual Group

Please use this high-level information as a guide only and do not make decisions solely based on this information. If you have any concerns, doubts or questions please call us for further details. It is not possible to represent all details of information in a concise manner; if there is any discrepancy between this information and the actual policy details, the policy details will prevail.

All the amounts are in U.S. dollars.


$250/policy period
Within PPO/Outside US/Outside Canada: After deductible, plan pays 100% to policy maximum. Outside PPO: After deductible, plan pays 80% of the first $5,000, then 100% to policy maximum.
$1,000,000 up to age 69, $50,000 for age 70-79
Sudden & Unexpected Reoccurrence: Medical up to $5,000; Medical evacuation up to $25,000.
To policy maximum for basic sports. Optional Adventure Sports to age 65: 0-49 $50,000 Maximum 50-59 $30,000 Maximum 60-64 $15,000 Maximum



$25,000 per child; $100,000 per adult; $250,000 max per family.
$25,000 per child; $100,000 per adult; $250,000 max per family.

Plan Features

Anyone outside country of citizenship that maintains medical insurance in country of citizenship
30, 60, or 90 days
Any time before effective date
Maximum duration of 36 months
Cruise Coverage: Included Emergency Eye Exam: $50 deductible per incident, $150 maximum. Personal Liability: $25,000 Political Evacuation and Repatriation: $100,000 Natural Disaster: $25,000
International Medical Group (IMG)
SiriusPoint Specialty Insurance Corporation

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  • For medical benefits, to policy maximum, refer to the Usual, Reasonable and Customary Charges. Deductible and coinsurance apply, unless otherwise noted.
  • Whenever there is a difference in benefits levels within PPO network and outside PPO network, the benefits shown above are applicable when availing treatment within PPO network.
  • Coverages shown are per person unless noted otherwise.
  • The dash (-) in the fields above means Not Applicable (N/A).